Ever post a comment to a discussion here on the blog, and wish you could be notified if someone responds to it so you can participate more fully in the dialogue?
Now you can do just that. At the bottom of every posting (right beneath the form where you post comments), there’s now an option to subscribe to comments. Check it off, and you’ll receive an e-mail when someone else posts to the thread you subscribed to (but you will not receive e-mail about your own new comments).
You can then easily manage which threads you’re subcribed to (from a link in the same place), and you can easily cancel all notifications. Works like a charm! (And if it doesn’t, I expect you to tell me!)
This blog gets such outstanding dialogue that I’m really glad to offer this new feature. Hope you enjoy it — I know I will enjoy the discussion here all the more!
(Note: This feature is different from the Feedburner Get Posts by E-mail feature that appears in the sidebar — that one notifies you only when I put up a new blog post.)