A reader just called my attention to this, and by gawd, he’s right! The Webby Awards has awarded the Webby for Best Employment Web Site to… TheLadders!
Thought I’d celebrate by highlighting one of the recent posts (April 28) on this blog about TheLadders!
The Ladders posted a job in February for an IT Management job at Finish Line
in Indianapolis. I applied, and got a phone interview.The interviewer asked me what salary range I was looking for. When I told
him 100 to 110 he appologies. He told me the position was only paying $76k
at max.I paid for my “TheLadders” membership. Now they automatically renewed my
membership for the next 3 months for $75 and make it a point that the DO NOT
PROVIDE REFUNDS. We’ll see about this.How do you spell SCAM?
Congratulations to TheLadders! And many thanks to that bastion of Internet Quality, The Webbys!
I think the Webbys are a lot like the old “Who’s Who” – you have to pony up to get in the listings. Those in the know, know.
Agree. There is a nomination fee of at least $275. At only $25/month, it looks like The Ladders could learn a trick or two from The Webbys.
I’m reminded of the old Groucho Marx line, “I don’t care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members.”
I’ve had two similar experiences with The Ladders. One was a job posted by the employer’s HR, where the job was constructed around me. It was posted on Monster, and picked up by The Ladders as a 100k+ job. Turned out they only wanted to pay 80-90, and couldn’t see that I’d be satisfied with that, in the beginning. The Ladders created an expectation’s gap, which fed the HR insecurity of the hiring firm, and mis-set expectations.
I observed a second case of exactly this same thing, where a defense contractor steadfastly maintained they had NEVER listed with The Ladders..and did not intend to pay 100k, period.
I figure The Ladders has cost me on the order of $250,000, so far. Plus membership.
You mean for $275 I could apply to get a Webby for Ask The Headhunter!? If everybody sends in a few bucks, we could apply?
Uh… wait a minute. $275? Think of the beer blast we could have with that! Let’s do a beer blast instead!