It's time to throw away your resume or your job
description and Ask The Headhunter. Nick Corcodilos
is a headhunter, and he's the author of Fearless Job Hunting,
How to Work with
Headhunters... and how to make headhunters work for you
and more myth-busting Answer Kits. And he's here to help you.
To help you get the most from
Ask The Headhunter, start here:
Job Hunting With
The Headhunter: The Basics
1. You're Wrong
Throw out everything you know.
2. The $30,000 Strategy
Use the strategy headhunters do.
3. Job Hunting Skills
Learn what they need, not what you need.
4. Mistakes That Kill
Traps that will sink you before you begin.
5. The New Interview
Sit down, say hello, and deliver profitability.
Scroll down
for an outline of what you'll find in the menu bar here on the web site.
Ask any talented job hunter: Did you follow the proper steps in your job search?
Of course. What went wrong? I hit an unexpected obstacle.
Success in job hunting isn’t about chasing job postings, sending resumes, and filling out endless online application forms. If any of it worked, you’d have the job you want.
This isn’t rocket science. Once you get it, it’s obvious. Each of the
9 Fearless Job Hunting
books shows you how to overcome daunting obstacles that stop other job hunters dead in their tracks. Get the edge -- and say hello to total control over your job search.
Order just the books you need, or The
Complete Collection.
Forget luck. Forget what "human resources
experts" have taught you. It's all bureaucratic bunk. No one wins (or
fills) a job by following "the steps" dictated by Americas defunct
Employment System.
They succeed by beating the System: By knowing the best way to
handle a few make-or-break situations, thereby setting themselves above their competition.
It's time to throw away your resume or your job
description and Ask The Headhunter. Nick Corcodilos
is a headhunter, and he's the author of
How to Work with
Headhunters... and how to make headhunters work for you.
And he's here to help you.
Since 1995, Nick Corcodilos has been here,
online, revealing the fallacies that conspire to keep talented workers and good employers
apart—and openly sharing the headhunters sound, profitable methods for
getting them together.
If you're changing careers—or changing jobs—Nick's Answer
Kit: How Can I Change Careers? will show you how. Most
job hunters flounder when it's time to make a change. HCICC?
teaches you how to get in the door, and how to prove to a demanding
employer that hiring you will pay off.
Take it from Nick's Ask
The Headhunter audience, fearless job hunters who have been proving
his methods work for over a decade:
"I love Nick's new Answer Kit, Keep Your Salary Under Wraps. It
worked for me. Nick gave me the same advice that's in the book when
I was negotiating a job offer several years ago. Despite both the
headhunter and the company insisting I disclose what I was getting
paid at my old job, I stuck to my guns and I was able to DOUBLE my
salary. Plus I got a signing bonus. That would have never happened
in a million years if I had caved!"
—Bernie Dietz Learn how to say NO when employers demand your salary history, to make them say YES to higher job offers.
(Order now and get a
special mp3 about salary, from a workshop Nick
presented to Cornell's Executive MBA Program!)
None of this easy. If it
were, everyone would be changing jobs and careers quickly and
successfully. But success—and landing the right job—requires
careful planning, lots of work, and an understanding
about why companies hire people. That's what gives you the
insider's edge.
This Ask The Headhunter reader says it
great news about your recommendations is that they work.
The good news for those of us who use them is that few
people are really willing to implement what you recommend,
giving those of us who do an edge." —
Ray Stoddard |
Start by reading the articles below to learn the basics
of The Headhunter's approach, then cruise through Nick's
blog. Subscribe to the Ask The Headhunter Newsletter and hit him up with your own
A message from Nick
Since starting Ask The Headhunter in 1995, I have answered over
30,000 questions
about job hunting and hiring—one at a time, in writing, on the Ask The Headhunter discussion board. ATH has grown into a
vibrant dialogue with thousands of people who recognize that America's Employment System is broken. They want an edge when job
hunting—just as managers want an edge when hiring.
Ask The Headhunter isn't about resumes, interviews or job postings—and it
isn't about doing tricks to get jobs. It's about job hunters and employers rolling up their sleeves and demonstrating to one
another that there's value in working together.
Each week, in the
Ask The
Headhunter Newsletter, I share perspectives, methods, and tips to help you be your own headhunter.
We tackle the
most daunting problems faced by both job hunters and hiring managers, and
I do my best to address your questions head-on. The newsletter is
delivered via e-mail. It is not archived online. And it's FREE!
Newsletter subscribers can submit their questions to a special e-mail address that comes direct to me. Each week, I personally
select the best ones and I answer them in the newsletter.
To subscribe to the Newsletter, please click here.
Want to get in on the
dialogue? Visit the Ask The
Headhunter Blog and sign up for free notices of updates. Chime
in with your comments. Debate, argue, post your questions!
Thanks for joining us on Ask The Headhunter!
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The Crocodile In a rush?
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Upcoming Events The Headhunter appears regularly online, on
TV, on radio and in person. The schedule is here.
The Headhunter Articles
By Nick Corcodilos. In-depth, no-nonsense discussion of the issues that matter most
to you.
Guest Voices Great lessons from featured guests.
Chomp! Inspiration from the jaws of insight.
It's Got Teeth Sharp stuff caught in the Net, and some stuff
that just bites.
The Basics By Nick Corcodilos. How to start becoming your
own headhunter.
The FAQ Frequently asked questions. Check here before you
post your own question -- The Headhunter has probably already answered it.
Industry Insider Industry experts advise you.
Ask A Question The Headhunter has answered over
questions from readers! Submit yours. The tougher the better. Nick
selects the best and uses them in the newsletter, on the
web site, and in the blog. Your name will not be
published without your permission.
Archived Media The
Headhunter gets around. These clips are worth your attention.
Women's Edge Special
articles for women and the men who work with them, by women, with the attitude you need.
The Headhunter's Bookstore All the books you'll read
about on ATH, at a discount.
The Ask The
Headhunter Newsletter Free
weekly tips and contrarian advice that will give you the insider's
The Ask The Headhunter Blog
Nick holds forth on issues of the day, and you get to post your
comments and engage with the ATH community!
Get Yours
Get Nick's How
to Work with Headhunters... and how to make headhunters work
for you. This is a PDF book: Order online, get instant delivery.
About to make a change in your career? How Can I Change Careers? isn't just for career changers. It's about how to stand out when you're changing jobs. Order
this PDF book now, get instant delivery!
Hate it when
employers ask you to disclose your salary history? Learn how to say
NO... and boost any job offer. Keep
Your Salary Under Wraps explains why you should keep
your salary confidential, and why it's no one's business.
And when the time comes to deal with this thorny situation, Nick
tells you How to Say It—firmly, politely, and with
All books are PDF's and will be downloaded to your computer as soon as you make your purchase.
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