Starting A Job
On The Right Foot
By Nick Corcodilos |
You've got a great new job. Now what? How do you parlay the wonderful impression you created in your interviews into success
during the first few weeks on your new job? Here's the key: don't wait for the company to "assimilate" you. It's up to
you to establish yourself as a valuable employee as quickly as possible...
article has been truncated...
Headhunter Nick Corcodilos's acclaimed
Starting A Job On The Right Foot
is revised and expanded,
is now a section of Nick's PDF book:
Company | How to leave your job
the must-have Answer Kit you need to make your
next move on your own terms... fearlessly.
Keys To Success
At Your New Job
tips on how to
quickly join your new team
with your new boss...
...in less than a week!
the company culture
to your advantage right away!
the almost magic method headhunters use
to ensure
their candidates
Start A Job On The Right Foot!
73-page PDF book is packed with Nick's insider advice,
Yourself To Resigning Right
The Truth
About Counter-Offers
Getting Fired
Is A State of Mind
The Wall Says
It's Time to Go
Interviews: Just Say No
Or Door #2?
Stand Up To
Learn To Move
- Plus
The Parting Company Crib Sheet:
tips from Nick's favorite HR experts about how
to avoid unnecessary
risks when you leave any job.
How to succeed at your next job!
Attack: Your first day on the job
A Job On The Right Foot
more answers
how to leave your job fearlessly!
Corcodilos charges hundreds of dollars for a private Talk
To Nick coaching session. For a fraction of
that, you can profit from 73 pages of Nick's
acclaimed insider advice about
how to change jobs on your own terms... delivered
in Parting
Company in the same no-punches-pulled
conversational style he's known for. No matter why you're leaving
your job -- get Nick's easy-to-understand advice about how to do it on your own
terms! |
Company | How to leave your job
you're leaving a job voluntarily, getting fired, getting
downsized, or quitting for any reason...
Don't panic or blow it when
Can you afford not to know how to leave your job?
the Ask The Headhunter edge now!
Ask The Headhunter community
"This is like reading a high-priced consultant's report to discover the "BFO" (blinding flash of the obvious). A lot of what you write makes absolute sense. It's intuitive (dare I say innate) and yet so many of us continue to follow traditional HR dogma when searching for work. Shame."
Bill Hiltz
"The great news about your recommendations is that they work. The good news for those of us who use them is that few people are really willing to implement what you recommend, giving those of us who do an edge."
Ray Stoddard
"I read your columns and have bought your book (and read it several times). It sits on my desk to refer to. It changed the way I look at job hunting 180 degrees! I recommend it to everyone who has need of it (and most have bought it!). If you do a sequel, I will buy that one, too."
Bill Cartwright
"Nick, you probably know that you are the one writer in the country (or the world) that I never disagree with. You hit all the notes that I have been crying 'alarm' about since 1970 myself. You are uncannily on target, all the time. God bless your work, as always."
Dick Bolles, Author, What Color Is Your Parachute?
"Nick... what can I do but join the teeming throngs of folks chanting your praises? No-BS, tell-it-like-it-is folks like you are too damned rare. I'm emailing you to say
thanks. You are my new hero."
Mary Lee Chapman
"Just a note to let you know that your job seeking advice is pure gold. Nice to see somebody cut through the morass with intelligence."
Gary Deines
"I am a retired USAF officer who just got furloughed out of four years with Northwest Airlines. I feel like I have just cut through a thunderstorm and found smooth air and bright sunshine on the other side. Thanks!"
Jack Elliott
"I like your no-nonsense approach to the search-related topics you tackle. You are not afraid to go against the grain and shake things up with a dose of reality and responsibility. I LIKE IT!"
Kristie Derkos
Start A Job On The Right Foot!
Now a section
of the 73-page
Ask The Headhunter Answer Kit:
Parting Company | How to leave your job
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