Please join me again this week for LIVE Ask The Headhunter on WNYC public radio on Thursday July 16, 10:40am ET, on the Brian Lehrer Show. WNYC is at 93.9 FM, 820 AM — and “streaming live” on the web at This is part of a weekly Ask The Headhunter Series during July…
*****UPDATE: Scroll down to listen to the recorded segment…
This week’s topic: The job boards.
- What are they good for?
- Do they work?
- What are the success rates?
- How can you make the most of them?
- How do you avoid scams?
- How do headhunters fit into the boards?
Bring your questions and please call in! You know how much I love talking about job boards… ;-) If you want to do your homework, here are some relevant Ask The Headhunter resources:
Job-Board Journalism: Selling out the American job hunter (from 2003 – but still valid as the day is long…)
CareerBuilder: Is it for Dopes?
The Dope on TheLadders (over 100 postings from readers about their, uh, experiences)
Like they say in those ads… You decide! Please join me on WNYC Public Radio with Brian Lehrer.
Enjoy the audio! 20 minutes, no commercials. Post your questions… I’ll answer ’em… Post your comments and we’ll all learn something new…
Hey……..I listened to your weekly radio… I’m impressed with you!
Terrific info to people in need. Thank god I am not one of them at the moment.
Best to the family. Do your children know how bright you really are?!
Listened to your WNYC segment today.
Agree wholeheartedly with your suggestion of researching prospective employers to determine where you can add value to their organization
My question is for those of us who’s experience is with smaller privately held companies –
How do we go about finding those prospective employers and then how do we find valuable information about their companies
So we might begin to approach them with our offer of added value for their organization.
Small, private companies are not so hard to find and research. They are usually local, and usually known to local accountants, bankers, lawyers and other professionals who serve them. So start by “triangulating.” Identify the best lawyers and CPA firms in your area. Talk to the principals. Ask them what small companies they admire. (Do not ask for job leads!) Ask them for insight about the booming sectors of the local economy. And ask who the local business leaders are that you should talk with next… By starting on the periphery, you’ll establish some key relationships, and those folks will lead you toward the center of the action. Be ready to offer valuable insights from your own expertise, and soon you will meet the people who run the companies you want to work for.
Hey, I expected some intersting job-board stories…!