We talk a lot around here about how to interview well, how to win the job, how to be successful. Sometimes it helps to take a good look at all the dopey stuff we do that doesn’t work. Hey, you can’t perform well if you keep doing the same-old, same-old that relegates you to the bottom of the barrel.

James Maguire at Datamation just interviewed me for an article titled How to Not Get an IT Job: 10 Tips. Only two of the tips we discussed are specific to IT (information technology), but all of them are relevant in one way or another to almost any kind of job.

So, don’t walk out of your next interview with a dumbfounded look on your face: “Duh, I think I blew it.”

If you wanna do it right, learn what to stop doing that’s wrong. Which reminds me — after you’ve dropped the bad habits, try a refresher course on The Basics. In this spiraling (down) economy, one thing matters most, and it’s what we discuss all the time: creating profit. If you can’t do it, show it, and prove it, it’s gonna be a long way back up out of that barrel.